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  • 마음을 파는 백화점(영어)
  • 마음을 파는 백화점(영어)
  • 마음을 파는 백화점(영어)
  • 마음을 파는 백화점(영어)

마음을 파는 백화점(영어)

방문 수령지 : 서울특별시 양천구 신월로24길 8 (기쁜소식사) 기쁜소식사
마음을 파는 백화점(영어)
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액



행복한 마음을 골라 살 수 있는 마음의 백화점을 차릴 수 있다면!


청소년문제 상담가이자 마인드교육 창시자인 저자 박옥수의 《나를 끌고 가는 너는 누구냐》제2편 『마음을 파는 백화점』. 이 책은 저자가 첫 번째 책에서 채 담아내지 못했던 여러 모양의 마음들, 원치 않지만 범죄와 자살로 치닫는 원인, 우리를 불행으로 끌고 가는 생각의 출처와 더불어 저자의 따뜻한 조언을 담고 있다. 저자는 좋은 물건이 진열되어 있는 백화점에서 필요한 물건을 사듯이, 마음이 괴로운 사람들이 이 책을 통해 평안한 마음을 고르고, 다양한 마음 중에서 아름답고 소망스러운 마음을 골라 행복해졌으면 하는 바람을 전하고 있다.








Acknowledgement ··· 8
Foreword ··· 18
1. If Only I Could Control My Heart
To Tame Your Heart as You Would a Wild Horse ··· 30
It Was Not Your Son Who Did That ··· 33
I’d Better Stop. I’d Better Stop ··· 35
A Student Who Used to Live Blaming Her Mother ··· 37
She Met Her Mother’s Heart in Africa ··· 45
There Is Another Power in My Heart That Is Leading Me,
Which Is Not Me ··· 50
Not All of the Hearts That Arise within Me Are Mine ··· 53

2. Why Did the Husbandman of the Vineyard Act Differently from His Heart?
The Poor Farmer Meets the Owner of the Vineyard ··· 60
The Family of the Husbandman
Who Became Happy because of the Master ··· 63
What’s Wrong with Me? I’m Going to Do Better Next Time ··· 66
Although She Tried to Be Good to Her Husband ··· 69
The Moneychangers at the African Borders.
If You Don’t Know, You’ll Be Deceived ··· 71
It Was Not Daddy’s True Heart to Do This ··· 73
An Unseen Power That Drags Me ··· 77

3. When an Unknown Fear Begins to Take Over Your Heart
The Weeds of Thought Which Grow in the Field of Your Heart ··· 82
The Lady Who Killed the Daughter She Wanted to Protect ··· 86
A Female Student Who Was Held in
the Thought That She Was Going to Die ··· 89
The Index of the Heart Cannot Be Measured ··· 91
She Could Not Reveal How Much She Missed Her Mother ··· 95
Take Me to the Place Where There Is No Fear ··· 99
If This Continues, I’m Going to Die.
Then What’s Going to Happen to My Daughter? ··· 103
When the Heart First Becomes Freed from Despair ··· 107

4.The Warm Voice that Drives You to Suicide
How Did My Father Overcome All of That Sadness? ··· 112
A 30-Year-Old Pain That Drinking Could Not Erase ··· 115
Murder Is Difficult, but So Is Suicide ··· 117
If This Continues, I Will Surely Die ··· 121
The Unseen Power That Drags Us to Our Death ··· 124
I Don’t Even Know Why I Did That ··· 126
Thoughts That Drag Me, Regardless of My Will ··· 128

5. The True Nature of the Power That Makes You Trust in Yourself
People Who Think That They Are Right ··· 134
I Paid for the Taxi! Fine, Let’s Take It to the Judge ··· 135
Compliments Are Dangerous When You Consider the Long-Term ··· 139
I’ve Done Something Terrible That I Can Never Fix ··· 143
The CEO Who Lost Everything Overnight ··· 146
People Who Follow after the Mirage of Life ··· 149
You Have to Know That the True Nature of
These Thoughts Is Different from Those of Your Own Heart ··· 154

6. I Want to Touch My Son’s Hand
So Many Thoughts That Come and Go ··· 160
What Is This Thought Stronger than Mine? ··· 162
People Live Proud Relying on That Final Piece of Pride ··· 165
I’m a Person Who Will Become Great ··· 169
Life Is Not Something I Lived by Myself ··· 171
Counting Down the Days to See His Mother ··· 174
I’m the One Who Made My Mother Pass Away ··· 178
What Should You Do to Not Return to Prison? ··· 180

7. When the Hearts Flow Together, Pain Disappears
The Thoughtless Shell of a Human, the Mankurt··· 186
You’re Not a Mankurt. Your Real Name Is Zholaman ··· 188
Was Man This Evil from the Start? ··· 192
Call Your Father and Express Your Heart ··· 195
Clara, Who Followed Her Boyfriend to Canada ··· 196
Father, I’m Sorry. I Was So Wrong ··· 198
Happiness Comes from a Flowing Heart ··· 201

8. There Is a Small Happiness that Awaits You
The Happy Life Enjoyed from
Learning the World of the Heart ··· 206
Nobody Will Receive Me like This ··· 207
The John Who Met His Mother’s Heart ··· 210
When You’re Cornered by Your Thoughts,
It’s Hard to Make the Right Judgment ··· 212
The Story of the Man Who Traded Vengeance for Love ··· 216
If You Search for Them,
There Are Many Happy Things That You Can Do ··· 219
The Sprout of Hope Arises in the Place
Where Loathing and Hatred Used to Be ··· 223
Hoping That There Will Be No More Young People
Who Turn Out like John ··· 225

상품필수 정보

1. 도서명 마음을 파는 백화점 (영어)
2. 저자, 출판사 박옥수, 온마인드
3. 크기 152 * 223 * 20 mm
4. 쪽수 256쪽
5. 제품 구성 단권
6. 출간일 2016년 07월 04일
7. 목차 또는 책소개 마인드교육 전문가 박옥수의 《나를 끌고 가는 너는 누구냐》제2편 『마음을 파는 백화점』. 이 책은 저자가 첫 번째 책에서 채 담아내지 못했던 여러 모양의 마음들, 원치 않지만 범죄와 자살로 치닫는 원인, 우리를 불행으로 끌고 가는 생각의 출처와 더불어 저자의 따뜻한 조언을 담고 있다.


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- 단, 도서를 읽은 흔적이 있는 경우는 환불이 불가합니다.

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